Photography and exhibitions: cross-cutting knowledge

Since its invention, photography has gone hand-in-hand with the possibility of its exhibition as an independent object of artistic value. In parallel, it has played an equally important role as an exhibition resource through the reproduction of other works and archives as well as through its scenography aspect.
The link between photography and exhibition have been the subject of increasing interest in the last four decades. Expressed through a cross-cutting approach that embraces historiographic, theoretical and curatorial knowledge, this cycle aims to explore the complex interplay that has developed between photography, its stories, and its theories in relation to the exhibition scenario, as well as the unknowns that will open up in the near future with regard to its reconfiguration as an essential space for collective convergence.
The cycle will be held completely online every Tuesday in March and April. Directed by Marta Dahó, participants include: Olivier Lugon, Anne Wilkes Tucker, Jordana Mendelson, Jorge Ribalta, Florian Ebner, Laura González Flores, Nicoletta Leonardi and Elvira Dyangani Ose.