Tina Modotti,
by Isabel Tejeda

KBr Barcelona Photo Center

Tina Modotti. Canana, hoz y guitarra, 1927. Fundación Televisa Collection and Archive, Mexico City

Invitad@s KBr will welcome Isabel Tejeda, curator of the Tina Modotti exhibition, who, in her talk, will address Modotti’s career and artistic production as well as the long and complex research process that has culminated in this exhibition, one of the broadest and most interesting of all those devoted to this unique figure in the artistic, cultural and political history of the 20th century.

New registrations will be attended up to 3 hours prior to each session.

Please contact infokbr@fundacionmapfre.org for further assistance.


June 13th, 2023


7:00 pm


In person and online