Prepared for the edge of the abyss.
Català-Roca open to thought

Photo: Francesc Català-Roca. Autoretrat. Barcelona,
c. 1952 © Fons Fotogràfic F. Català-Roca – Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya
Francesc Català-Roca, Escala de la Sagrada Família. Barcelona, c. 1949. © Fons Fotogràfic F. Català-Roca – Historical Archive of the Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya. All rights reserved.
Under the direction of Laura Terré, the cycle studies the photographs of Francesc Català-Roca and will feature the collective CritTeam (Eugenia López Reus and Miguel Jaime), Aurora Fernández Polanco, and Javier Pérez Andujar.
The participants have been invited by the curator to explore the photographer freely, in line with their own artistic and aesthetic interests. Rereading a legacy as a method for opening and updating discourse is one of Terré’s objectives, which aims to bring us closer to the Català-Roca’s rich archive, and propose new and suggestive interpretations of his work.
This cycle is part of the program of activities planned for the Francesc Català-Roca Year, curated by Laura Terré.
New registrations will be attended up to 3 hours prior to each session.
Please contact for further assistance.
February 28th, March 1st-2nd
7:00 pm