Photography Speaks of Revolutions

In one way or another each new generation makes its mark on inherited history, brandishing new values and criteria with which to analyze and organize reality. In some cases this need for change leads to a rupture, a fundamental transformation in social order or its foundations. We generally term these breaks, covering a variety of situations, revolutions. The images preserved from such momentous events turn out to be essential, allowing us to reconstruct the inevitable chaos of the rash and violent moments in which they develop.

Member of the Militia, Trinidad, Cuba, 1961
Fundación MAPFRE Collections
© Paolo Gasparini
In each of the revolutions discussed in this lecture cycle photography plays one or more key functions: testimony, denouncement, propaganda (explicit or subtle), tool for protest, instrument for social analysis, device for conveying personal allegiances, method for extending the revolutionary experience, etc. The ultimate intention of this lecture series is to explore once again photography’s role in understanding our world, this time through concrete and transcendental historical junctures of the contemporary era.
The majority of the lectures will take place in person at the KBr Fundación MAPFRE auditorium, however they will also be available online. Lectures that will take place online only will be indicated in the program.
Under the direction of historian of photography Laura Terré (Universidad de Barcelona), the lecture cycle will feature the following speakers: Mathilde Larrère; Nicolas Liucci-Goutnikov; Andrés Antebi; Robert Pledge; Leigh Raiford; Paul F. Goldsmith, Pepe Baeza, Cristina Vives, Pilar Aymerich, Judith Prat and Isabel Segura; Susan Meiselas; Samuel Aranda and Anna Surinyach.
For any incidence, please address your questions to
November 9, 16, 23, 30
December 2 (Thursday), 14, 21
January 11
7:00 p.m.
(except on 05.10.21 and 19.10.21 at 8 p.m.)
Mathilde Larrère
Communard Photos, Versailles Photos: the Battle of Images
Online, 8 p.m.
Nicolas Liucci-Goutnikov
Photography and Factography in the USSR of the Inter-War Period
Online, 8 p.m.
Andrés Antebi
A Brief Radiance. Images from the Social Revolution in Barcelona, 1936-1937
In person and online, 7 p.m.
Robert Pledge
China 1966-1976: The Revolution within the Revolution Photographed by Li Zhensheng
In person and online, 7 p.m.
Leigh Raiford
Being Seen to Be Free:
Photography and Black Power
Online, 7 p.m.
Paul F. Goldsmith
The Enduring Influence of the Prague Spring and the Soviet Invasion. A look at a photographer’s personal connection to history and the resonance of the photographic imagery before, during and after the August 1968 Invasion
Online, 7 p.m.
Pepe Baeza
Photography during the Portuguese Revolution of 1974
In person and online, 7 p.m.
Cristina Vives
Culture and Counterculture in the Photography of the Cuban Revolution. In Search of the Revolutionary Subject
In person and online, 7 p.m.
Pilar Aymerich, Judith Prat and Isabel Segura Soriano
Feminist Vindication, 1976
In person and online, 7 p.m.
Susan Meiselas
Nicaragua: Reflecting
Back and Forward
Online, 7 p.m.
Samuel Aranda y Anna Surinyach
La Primavera Árabe (2010-2012)
In person and online, 7 p.m.