Nicholas Nixon
The Art of the Portrait:
Looking Closely, Looking Longer

Fragment of The Brown Sisters, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, 2021. @ Nicholas Nixon
Since the beginning of his career, Nicholas Nixon (Detroit, 1947) has stood out for his interest in the human condition and his sensitivity in portraiture. With a careful, respectful and close gaze, Nixon opens the doors to the intimacy of his subjects and does so in a touching way, paying attention to every gesture and every look.
The emotional intensity he achieves in his photographs is particularly evident in his famous project The Brown Sisters, in which he photographed his wife and her three sisters year after year for 48 years, from 1974 to 2022. Each image implicitly bears the inexorable passage of time, visible in their faces, and shows the cycle of life, evident in the emotional and physical evolution of each of the sisters.
In this inaugural talk of the workshop he is giving at KBr, Nixon will talk with Arianna Rinaldo about his conception of portraiture and the central place it occupies in his work as a whole.
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7 pm